Instructions fo use
Fusion 1day / Safe-Gel 1day / Delivery
Fusion 7days / Safe-Gel 7days
Open 30 / Safe-Gel FRP
Fusionsol / Open Reload
Safe-Gel Hyal

Customer Service
t. +39 0481 480421
f. +39 0481 1990421

Instructions for Use
The contact lenses are intended for daily wear for the optical correction of ametropies. Only an eye care professional can prescribe the us of contact lenses.
Non-daily disposable lenses require regularly maintenance procedure, by cleaning and disinfection with suitable solutions.
It is also essential to comply with the instructions of your own eye care professional and with the replacement schedule of your lenses.
Read IFU with care and retain for future refrence, also by downloading it from this page.
In the event of any eye discomfort, remove the contact lenses and see your specialist.
- Never use the lenses if they have been damaged in any way
- Ask your eye care practitioner before using any medicine
- Prevent the lens to get in contact with water (tap, shower, swimming pool, etc.)
- Don’t change lens type, parameters or maintenance method without consulting your eye care practitioner
- Don’t use saliva to wet your lenses. It is teeming with potentially harmful bacteria
- Use cosmetics, soaps, creams and aerosols with care because they can irritate the eyes.
- Do keep your nails short as long nails my scratch lenses and/or eye during handling
DO NOT USE the lenses in any of the following conditions
- Red or irritated eyes
- Acute and subacute inflammation or infection of the eye
- Any eye disease, injury, or abnormality that affects the cornea, conjunctiva, or eyelids
- Severe insufficiency of lacrimal secretion
- Corneal hypoesthesia (reduced corneal sensitivity)
- Any systemic disease that may affect the eye or be exaggerated by wearing contact lenses
- Allergic reactions of ocular surfaces that may be induced or exaggerated by wearing contact lenses
- Any active corneal infection (bacterial, fungal, or viral)